Bay Area Turning Point, Inc. Volunteer Requirements
At BATP, we invite the community to participate with us in stopping violence. The act of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking is a community problem and requires a community response. It is the rich partnerships with individuals and community organizations that allow us to do the monumental work before us each day. We have opportunities for a vast array of volunteers including but not limited to administrative support, housekeeping, special projects, food services, childcare, crisis hotline support, grounds keeping and fundraising activities. We look forward to meeting you!
Please call our Volunteer Services Department at 281-338-7600 or volunteer@bayareaturningpoint.com with questions or concerns.
**Individuals with prior convictions of FRAUD, THEFT or ASSAULT are not eligible to volunteer**

Please bring the following items to orientation:
Two (2) forms of ID; one must include a photo. ** Social Security Card required for childcare volunteers**
Three (3) personal references; individuals cannot be a relative and must have known you for at least one year. (Name, email address and phone number is required for each reference.)
$10 for a criminal background check; $10 background check fee NOT APPLICABLE for Court Ordered Volunteers
Teen Volunteer Information (minimum volunteer age 14):
16/17 years of age: must attend orientation with a parent. After completing volunteer orientation, the child will be allowed to volunteer without parent accompaniment.
POLICY: It is the policy of BATP to not hire volunteer applicants nor accept applicants as volunteers who have received services from our agency within the last 6 months or those that are currently receiving our services.