Sarah's Story

Sarah* has been with Bay Area Turning Point for about 3 months now. After fleeing a violent situation, she and her two children reside in our shelter. Sarah and her children had been living with Sarah’s mother, who was abusive towards her. Sarah had been raised in a home where abuse was the norm. Once she realized her children were having this same experience with family violence, Sarah made the bold and courageous decision to leave. Sarah decided that “enough was enough” and loaded her two children and as much as she could fit into the car and headed toward Texas.
She has attended support group at our shelter and her children have attended our children’s support group. Through constant meetings with her caseworker and encouragement from support group she has been able to set clear healthy boundaries with family and has such a more positive outlook on life than she did when we first met. I remind her often of her affirmations that she created and to recite them whenever she feels she needs a ‘pick me up.’ She is able to also now identify coping skills that she can use when she has flashbacks and triggers. I am very proud of Sarah for the courageous person she is and the steps she has made towards self love and independence, not only for herself but for her children as well.
*Name has been changed due to client confidentiality.