Sandy's Story

Sandy decided after many years to leave her abuser, contacting Bay Area Turning Point for Shelter. Sandy came to shelter unsure of what to expect, as this was her first time to ever enter into a shelter. She wasn’t aware of the many programs, resources and counseling that would be available to her. Her first week was a little rough, she wasn’t sure that she could handle the differences in personalities she was interacting with at shelter. She felt like she was overwhelmed in a new situation, unsure of what the next steps could be for her. After talking to our Transportation Aide, Sandy felt the courage to keep pushing through.
The Transportation Aide reassured Sandy that she could build a future by taking advantage of the many resources that are available at Bay Area Turning Point, that we were always available when she needed someone to talk to and just listen. So with that little bit of encouragement, Sandy knew a brighter future was ahead.
As the days progressed various Bay Area Turning Point staff informed Sandy of the programs available to help her find a job, transportation, housing and other basic assistance she needed. Sandy was signing up for different events, updating her resume, going on multiple job interviews and still job searching. It was only a matter of a few weeks when all of her hard work and efforts paid off. Sandy came to staff excitedly announcing that she not only was starting one job but two jobs! Both jobs schedules worked together perfectly. Then she got an even bigger smile stating that there was an apartment located between both jobs that she had been looking at, it seemed that everything was falling into place for her. She stated, “When God has a plan for you he works out all the little details…it all seems to be lining up”. Sandy also took advantage of our counseling program where she felt she was making progress. She commented, “I am starting to understand that what I went through is not my fault. I am not the reason why my marriage fell apart and why he did what he did to me”. She not only got the chance to begin a new life, but grow and learn about her emotions and feelings through the process. Sandy, we are so proud of you and wish you all the best!
*Name has been changed due to client confidentiality.