Georgia's Story

After being violently assaulted, Georgia* fled from her home to hide in a ditch across the street. While lying inside the ditch, Georgia called 911 for assistance. Georgia was taken to the hospital and treated for serious injuries to her face and eye.
Once released from the hospital, Georgia was escorted to Bay Area Turning Point for assistance applying for Crime Victims Compensation, a program to reimburse survivors for expenses related to the crime. Georgia’s advocate not only assisted her with applying for this program but also informed Georgia of her rights. Georgia decided to file criminal charges against her abuser, and with her advocates help, Georgia was able to tell the local law enforcement about the violence she experienced.
Georgia’s symptoms from the abuse she endured began to become more severe, and she experienced dizziness and loss of sight. This caused Georgia to miss work to attend many doctors’ appointments. Due to the extensive damage to her eye, Georgia eventually had to endure multiple surgeries. Although the surgery did lessen the dizziness that she experiences, Georgia’s sight was not able to be fully regained.
Because of her advocate’s assistance, Georgia was reimbursed for her medical bills and loss of wages from missing work from Crime Victims Compensation. Georgia began attending counseling with Bay Area Turning Point and started her next chapter free from violence. Georgia often checks in with her advocate to say hello and express her gratitude.
*Name has been changed due to client confidentiality.