Daniela's Story

When Daniela* first came into our shelter, she had experienced domestic violence and sexual abuse. Daniela also faced anxiety, depression and homelessness due to the abuse she experienced. After utilizing the counseling and housing services, Daniela began to have some peace of mind as she learned ways to incorporate self-care into her life and to teach her daughters as well. Daniela took advantage of other programs, such as, support group, life skills and a group to help improve her interviewing and resume skills to find a better job. We saw Daniela begin to express herself by incorporating her feelings and thoughts in her artwork and she inspired many others in the shelter to share their feelings and work through their emotions. Daniela is currently residing in her own home with her daughters and we hope they continue to progress and use the skills they have learned at BATP to live a fulfilling life.
*Name has been changed due to client confidentiality.