Claire's Story

Claire* entered our therapy services after she had been sexually assaulted on her school campus. Although that she was usually an outgoing and confident woman, after the assault occurred, she had become extremely anxious, self-conscious, and scared to go anywhere. She was constantly reliving the events that occurred, and she was afraid to interact with people in various social settings Claire feared that she would become a target again. Like many who have experiences sexually assault, Claire blamed herself, feeling that she had done something for the attacker to choose her to prey upon. Because of this belief, she changed her appearance, stopped hanging out with her friends, and isolated herself from family.
While waiting for a decision from the justice system, Claire’s offender was not incarcerated. Claire lived in fear that he would assault her again. This increased Claire’s anxiety dramatically. This led Claire to the decision to come to Bay Area Turning Point for our counseling program. After six months of therapy, Claire had regained her sense of security. She no longer felt helpless and anxious. She started opening herself up to making new friends and slowly started trusting people again. Claire’s attacker was eventually placed on probation, and Claire felt a since of strength knowing that some justice was served. Claire realized that the assault will be something she will always remember, however, she will not let it take over her life. She learned coping strategies to help her feel strong and empowered, when she is feeling sad. She regained herself confidence and felt beautiful again. Claire realized that she is a survivor and that no matter what; she can overcome any obstacles placed in her way.
*Name has been changed due to client confidentiality.