Claire’s Story

Claire’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay Claire* entered our therapy services after she had been sexually assaulted on her school campus. Although that she was usually an outgoing and confident woman, after the assault occurred, she had become extremely anxious, self-conscious, and scared to go anywhere. She was constantly reliving the events that occurred, and […]
Katie’s Story

Katie’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay Katie* A young lady entered our shelter, bruised from her history. She was unemployed and seeking stability. Through her focus and determination she quickly acquired employment. She worked long nights but never allowed it to break her spirit or willpower to succeed. She staying extremely focused on her goals […]
Georgia’s Story

Georgia’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay After being violently assaulted, Georgia* fled from her home to hide in a ditch across the street. While lying inside the ditch, Georgia called 911 for assistance. Georgia was taken to the hospital and treated for serious injuries to her face and eye. Once released from the hospital, Georgia […]
Sandy’s Story

Sandy’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay Sandy decided after many years to leave her abuser, contacting Bay Area Turning Point for Shelter. Sandy came to shelter unsure of what to expect, as this was her first time to ever enter into a shelter. She wasn’t aware of the many programs, resources and counseling that would […]
Sarah’s Story

Sarah’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay Sarah* has been with Bay Area Turning Point for about 3 months now. After fleeing a violent situation, she and her two children reside in our shelter. Sarah and her children had been living with Sarah’s mother, who was abusive towards her. Sarah had been raised in a home […]
Marsha’s Story

Marsha’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay When Marsha first came into our Shelter, she had experienced a decade of sexual, physical, emotional, and financial abuse. Due to all of this trauma, Marsha was experiencing PTSD, anxiety, sleeplessness and extremely low self-esteem. After utilizing a referral for a triage visit a mental health resource, Marsha’s emotional […]
Daniela’s Story

Daniela’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay When Daniela* first came into our shelter, she had experienced domestic violence and sexual abuse. Daniela also faced anxiety, depression and homelessness due to the abuse she experienced. After utilizing the counseling and housing services, Daniela began to have some peace of mind as she learned ways to incorporate […]
Susan’s Story

Susan’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay When Susan Jones* first came into our counseling program, she had experienced severe trauma around domestic and sexual assault. Susan was in a violent relationship where she was raped as well as verbally and emotionally abused. Susan was also faced with being isolated from her family and friends due […]
Linda’s Story

Linda’s Story Photo courtsey of: Pixabay Linda*, an 18 year old, sexual assault survivor, came to us for counseling after she reported the assault to law enforcement. While waiting to hear whether the case would go to court, Linda continued to work on her studies as a senior in high school. As with all schools […]