Bay Area Turning Point

You are not alone!

Free and Confidential Hotline 24/7 for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence---

If you need help please call 281-286-2525

Our priority is to ensure the well-being and success of survivors, and we are steadfast in our efforts to provide solutions, guidance, and empathy throughout this journey.

Call BATP 24-hours daily at 281-286-2525 – a safe and confidential place to talk. An appointment with an Advocate will be made at a time that works for you. Because appointments fill up quickly, please let the hotline advocate know if you have an issue that requires a quick response from a Victim Advocate. The Hotline Advocate will try to connect you with a Legal Advocate immediately.

Fertitta Chevrolet has chosen Bay Area Turning Point to be the charity this year for the Houston Vette Fest! It’s going to be in December at the Kemah Boardwalk. To learn more about this event, visit their website: 2025 Houston Vette Fest

In Loving Memory Of

Survivor Stories

Linda*, an 18 year old, sexual assault survivor, came to us for counseling after she reported the assault to law enforcement. While waiting to hear whether the case would go to court, Linda continued to work on her studies as a senior in high school. As with all schools throughout the country, when COVID-19 became prevalent, Linda had to move to doing her school work at home. Once again, things were not turning out like she imagined. During this time she learned that the District Attorney’s was not going to pick-up the charges against Linda’s offender and prosecute her case. This became a huge upset for Linda resulting in depression. Nevertheless, she summoned up the determination to finish her studies and took her end of the year exams. Linda graduated this spring, and we are so proud of her grit and endurance during such a challenging time.

*Name has been changed due to confidentiality.

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Be part of the Solution

You Have the Power to Make a Difference

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us at Bay Area Turning Point. There are a variety of ways for you to get involved. We depend on individuals and groups in the community to help provide services to the many survivors of family and sexual violence. We also have many different ways to donate and financially support our efforts.

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